Jennifer Londergan a.k.a. Contessa of Consulting, Empress of Payroll & Mistress of all things Eclectic
A native of Brewster, Massachusetts, Jen grew up there with her 7 siblings. After graduating from the University of New Hampshire in 2005 with a degree in Business Administration and a focus in Finance, her first job out of college was with Sawyer Realty. While working there as a Reporting Analyst from 2005-2012, she met several of her current SX Business employees. Little did they all know, this was just the beginning of their work relationship. In 2012, she moved into the world of Asset Management at Northland Investment Corporation. However in 2015, when her second son was 9 months old, she decided to slow down and try the stay at home mom life.
While staying home Jen started doing some consulting work for Sawyer and continued there until current SX Business Services owner and CEO, John Fleming asked her to join SX in May 2020. Currently, she does Payroll and works on other miscellaneous projects.
Jen is married to her husband PJ and they have two boys Gavin (9) and Nathan (7). They have 10 chickens and just rescued a sweet puppy named Joy. During the winter, they love to ski as much as possible at their favorite mountain, Bretton Woods in New Hampshire. In the summer, they hit the beach, go camping and hiking. She and her husband love to travel and have been known to leave the kids with Nana to go on adventures. They do bring them sometimes 😊. In 2019, they all went to Ireland and now they have the travel bug too!
What do you like most about your job, and/or working for SX?
In every job, I have ever had I've liked having an eclectic task list to keep things interesting! I like working for SX because it gives me the flexibility to be home when the boys need me, and I get to keep working with people that I really enjoy.
If you could have any other job what would it be?
My dream job would be to own a small Bed and Breakfast. I worked at one growing up on the Cape and loved getting to meet people from all over the world, while sharing with them my little piece of it.